Data files
In this section some useful ModestR databases and other data files can be freely downloaded. Those databases contain taxonomical information for specific classes, and sometimes they also contain range maps for several species. You can explore those data with ModestR.
ModestR IPez Database ( - 1 Mb -Update 18/02/2014)
- This database contains a very comprehensive taxonomy for fish species from all around the world, coming from IPez software. It only works with ModestR v.3.0 or later. You can explore this database with ModestR DataManager and MapMaker. We recommend you to descompress and install this database in the folder named “BD” that you can find inside the ModestR folder. If you installed ModestR in the default location, the full path will be “C:\ModestR\DB”.
ModestR Elasmobranchii database ( - 45 Mb)
- This database contains a comprehensive taxonomy for Elasmobranchii subclass, with expert range maps for all species. It only works with ModestR v.3.0 or later. You can explore this database with ModestR DataManager and MapMaker. We recommend you to descompress and install this database in the folder named “BD” that you can find inside the ModestR folder. If you installed ModestR in the default location, the full path will be “C:\ModestR\DB”
ModestR Topographic heterogeneity (TH) (Topographic heterogeneity.rar - 25 Mb)
- TH is an indicator of how different is the topography of a cell with respect to neighbor cells. TH increases as differences in topography between the cell and surroundings cells are greater. We estimated two indexes TH8 (8 surroundings cells) and TH24 (24 surroundings cells). TH was estimated using altitude, slope and slope-aspect. Once decompressed, those files are rasters in ASC format, which is compatible with many GIS, and can also be loaded in ModestR (see e.g. our Tutorial: How to integrate and use environmental data in ModestR)
Geospatial data of freshwater habitats (Updated 11/03/2015)
- Based on data coming from OpenStreetMap with ©OpenStreetMap contributors,>. Once decompressed, those files are rasters in ASC format, which is compatible with many GIS, and can also be loaded in ModestR (see e.g. our Tutorial: How to integrate and use environmental data in ModestR)
NOAA’s WORLD OCEAN ATLAS 2013 data for ModestR (WOA 2013 1º Objectively analyzed mean All - 57 Mb)
Here you can find a tutorial about how to import this data in ModestR
Data provided in the files of this package come originally from WORLD OCEAN ATLAS 2013 version 2 (WOA), downloaded from NOAA website.
Data provided correspond to the objectively analyzed mean field of the WOA, for a grid of 1º, and for all available decades and depths, for:
• Temperature (°C)
• Salinity (unitless)
• Dissolved Oxygen (ml/l)
• Percent Oxygen Saturation (%)
• Apparent Oxygen Utilization (ml/l)
• Silicate (µmol/l) • Phosphate (µmol/l)
• Nitrate (µmol/l)
NOAA’s WORLD OCEAN ATLAS 2018 data for ModestR (WOA 2018 1º Objectively analyzed mean All - 157 Mb)
Here you can find a tutorial about how to import this data in ModestR (steps are the same than for WOA 2013)
Note: If you need to import other variables from WOA besides those packaged here you can do it easily following the Tutorial 23: Importing any data from WOA18 Data provided in the files of this package come originally from WORLD OCEAN ATLAS 2018, downloaded from NOAA website. Data provided correspond to the objectively analyzed mean field of the WOA, for a grid of 1º, and for all available decades and depths, for:• Temperature (°C)
• Salinity (unitless)
• Dissolved Oxygen (ml/l)
• Percent Oxygen Saturation (%)
• Apparent Oxygen Utilization (ml/l)
• Silicate (µmol/l) • Phosphate (µmol/l)
• Nitrate (µmol/l)
Global River Basins by level and continent
The following shapefiles contain geographical global river basins structured by level, from 1 (higher level basins) to 6 (lower level basins), and by continent. Those data are derived from free Global river basins dataset provided by
• Global river basins by level, all levels (140 Mb) (from 1 to 6)
• Level 1 Global river basins (5,5 Mb)
• Level 2 Global river basins (8,5 Mb)
• Level 3 Global river basins (14 Mb)
• Level 4 Global river basins (23,5 Mb)
• Level 5 Global river basins (30 Mb)
• Level 6 Global river basins (52 Mb)
ModestR shapes database including Hydrosheds basins database
This optional update installs a version of the ModestR shapes database that includes the full HydroSheds database, among the other shape collections already
included in ModestR (administrative shapes and WaterBase basins database). HydroSheds database is one of the most comprehensive worldwide basins database
with 12 levels of detail. Take into account that this update installs a heavy database of 6 GB, and that may make ModestR to perform slower when using those shapes.
Those HydroSheds data are derived from free HydroSheds dataset provided by WWF at (File size.- 3GB. Date 09/12/2020)