Data files

In this section some useful ModestR databases and other data files can be freely downloaded. Those databases contain taxonomical information for specific classes, and sometimes they also contain range maps for several species. You can explore those data with ModestR.

ModestR IPez Database ( - 1 Mb -Update 18/02/2014)

ModestR Elasmobranchii database ( - 45 Mb)

ModestR Topographic heterogeneity (TH) (Topographic heterogeneity.rar - 25 Mb)

Geospatial data of freshwater habitats (Updated 11/03/2015)

NOAA’s WORLD OCEAN ATLAS 2013 data for ModestR (WOA 2013 1º Objectively analyzed mean All - 57 Mb)

NOAA’s WORLD OCEAN ATLAS 2018 data for ModestR (WOA 2018 1º Objectively analyzed mean All - 157 Mb)

Global River Basins by level and continent

ModestR shapes database including Hydrosheds basins database